
Interpolymer Stain Blocking Paints

(from http://www.interpolymer.com/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/245)
INTERPOLYMER has designed aqueous SYNTRAN® acrylic, cationic polymer dispersions that can be used as functional binders in high quality stain-blocking primers and paints. On wood and cork, tannates and other extractives are permanently blocked, thus preventing the unsightly discoloration of white or light-colored topcoats. On walls and ceilings, nicotine stains, water stains, fat, graffitis etc. can be effectively covered and blocked, thus allowing the renovation of heavily stained rooms in restaurants, pubs, living areas etc. Apart from stain-blocking, these cationic polymers also provide excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates.

Features & Benefits of SYNTRAN Cationic Acrylates at a Glance
  • Excellent, permanent blocking of tannin and other colored wood extractives
  • Highly efficient, permanent blocking of other difficult stains, such as:
    • Nicotine
    • Marking pens
    • Water colors
    • Ball point pens
    • Various food stains
    • Fat and cooking oil
  • Good performance even under very critical conditions of high humidity and high temperature
  • Suitable for paints for the renovation of heavily used, stained locations like restaurants, kitchens, bath rooms or public rooms
  • Well suited for highly opaque paint formulations that allow difficult renovations with a single paint layer
  • Reactive pigments (such as zinc oxide) are not required
  • Good adhesion to a wide variety of substrates, such as 
    •    Wood
    •    MDF board
    •    Cork
    •    Mineral surfaces
    • Wall paper
  • Available at high solid content
  • Low minimum film forming temperature allowing low VOC formulations
  • Suitable for pigmented and clear coatings
  • Water based; easy clean up
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Low odor
  • Cost-effective performance and easy handling

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